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- Vintage Carlton Ware Tree & Swallow Rumidor Humidor Porcelain England 6.5
- Unusual Porcelain Bisque Tobacco Humidor arab arabian turkish tobacciana
- Antique Mahogany Wooden Metal Lined Humidor Box With Key
- Germanus Desktop Humidor Mini Tour Cuban Cigarlife Humidor Rich Richlifestyle Money Cubancigars
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- homemade
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- humidify
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- humido
- humidor
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- lance
- large
- laura
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- light
- lights
- limited
- limoges
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- locking
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- louis
- loved
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- luxury
- luxus
- macanudo
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- macintyre
- made
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- magic
- magnificent
- mahogany
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- makers
- making
- malle2luxe
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- mannings
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- marzi
- mastering
- mastero
- masterpiece
- mastro
- matching
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- noritakeowlcigar
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- only
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- owned
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- perfecrepair
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- personal
- personalized
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- please
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- preparing
- presentation
- president
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- prettyold
- preview
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- sealed
- season
- seated
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- seeger
- sehr
- seltener
- seltmann
- semkont
- setting
- setup
- sharpen
- sheman
- sherman
- shiina
- shiny
- should
- sick
- siglo
- signed
- sikarlan
- silver
- silvercrest
- simon's
- simpson
- sleek
- small
- smiling
- smoke
- smoker's
- smokerette
- smoking
- smoksette
- socal
- solana
- solid
- solution
- sopranos
- span
- spanish
- special
- spot
- stainless
- stately
- stefano
- stephan
- sterling
- sticks
- stolen
- stop
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- stuff
- stunning
- stylish
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- tier
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- tips
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- told
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- turning
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- Uncategorized
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- unhealthy
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- upmann
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- version
- very
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- yield
- ykwd
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- zino
Monthly Archives: January 2025
Vintage Italy Leather Desktop Cigar Box Humidor
January 5, 2025 – 5:19 pm

VINTAGE ITALY LEATHER DESKTOP CIGAR BOX HUMIDOR. Look carefully at the pictures for details.

1956 Birmingham Sterling Silver 6.5 X 4.75 Cigar Humidor Box
January 5, 2025 – 5:17 am

WEIGHS 518 GRAMS TOTAL / MEASURES 6 1/2 INCHES LONG X 4 3/4 INCHES ACROSS 1 3/4 INCH DEEP / MINOR CHARACTER BUMPS (PRICE ACCORDING). Contact our office for any questions you may have. All emails sent over the weekend will be answered on Monday. We deal with preowned, vintage, estate items and collectables. The word excellent is used only to describe the condition based on its age. That does not mean the item is in perfect or new condition. Included in the item price or.

Cherry Lacquer Cigar Humidor. The Humidor Holds Up To 250 Cigars. No Key
January 4, 2025 – 5:16 pm

The Cherry Lacquer Cigar Humidor by is made of Spanish Cedar Wood with a lacquer finish. It has dimensions of L: 11.75″, W: 20.75″, H: 5.25, and can hold up to 250 cigars. This contemporary humidor does not come with a key. Minor marks on lid. Please review pictures for complete details.

Quality Importers Premier Wooden Humidor with Key
January 3, 2025 – 5:12 pm

In very gently pre-owned condition. Wood is in excellent condition. Measures 14.5″ x 9.5″ x 6.5.

Solid Wood Cigar Display Case Humidor Trays Dividers
January 3, 2025 – 5:11 am

Up for sale today is a Display style Cigar Humidor with (4) glass windows. The display has a lock & keys. The display comes with removable angled shelves with (4) removable acrylic dividers allowing you to display several cigars on one shelf. The humidor has a hygrometer and brass detailing.

Early Passing Show Tin Lunch Box Style Tobacco Humidor Cigarette Case Old Cigar
January 2, 2025 – 5:10 pm

This vintage tin humidor is perfect for any collector of tobacco memorabilia. The Early Passing Show Tin Lunch Box Style Cigarette Case is an old cig accessory that adds a unique touch to any collection. Made by Passing Time, a well-known brand in the tobacco industry, this tin humidor is a must-have for any serious collector. The tin humidor is designed to keep your cigars fresh and organized. The lunch box style design is perfect for on-the-go use, and the sturdy construction ensures that your cigars will be safe and secure. This collectible item is perfect for any tobacco enthusiast or collector. Add it to your collection today! Please note the age and condition of this.

Vintage Wood Cuboid Mid Century Modern Dunhill Cigar Humidor
January 2, 2025 – 5:09 am

Vintage Mid Century Modern Dunhill British Crown Colony Hong Kong Humidor. Cigar Humidor has wood chopping block design. Has Dunhill burn mark on bottom. Has minor wear from use. Size 5 3/4″ x 7 1/2″ x 5 5/8. Please see all photos for details and condition.

Finish Silver Humidor 1960’s Cigarette case made in Finland
January 1, 2025 – 5:08 pm

Master silversmith, hand engraved silver humidor/ cigarette case, with luscious floral scenes throughout. Undercarriage has engraving dated back to the 60s and initials to whom presented to. A wonderful piece of art for collector. Inner liner can use some attention of used as humidor. Approximate measurements: 6 3/4″w x 3 3/8″ D x2 3/4t.